County Prosecutor
Matthew Crall
Crawford County Victim Assistance Program
Crime victim services help is free:
- Case information
- Input at Sentencing
- Court advocacy
- Legal rights information
- Crisis intervention
- Return of property
- Filing of charges
- Protection orders
- Hearing notification
- Recovering costs
Crime victims in Ohio have a Constitutional Right to “Fairness, Dignity, and Respect.”
As a Victim of a crime, you have the right:
- To be treated with courtesy, compassion, and respect.
- To be informed of the process of the criminal justice system.
- To be notified of the status and disposition of the your case.
- To be free from intimidation.
- To a speedy return of property.
- To preservation of employment.
- To compensation for qualifying expenses through the Ohio Attorney General’s Office, if you qualify.
How can our Victim Assistance Program help you?
The Crawford County Prosecutor’s Office Victim Assistance Program provides the following FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL SERVICES:
- Consultation with the victim and family members.
- Courtroom support services including orientation, escort, safe waiting area, and court monitoring.
- Liaison between the victim and prosecutors, law enforcement and other agencies.
- Notification of court dates for all hearings.
- Information to victims about individual case status and restitution.
- Assistance with preparation and filing of compensation applications with the Ohio Victims of Crimes Compensation Program.
- Assistance with registering with VINE and/or ODRC Victim Notification.
- Assistance with preparing and making Victim Impact Statements.
- Referral to other social service agencies.
- Other personalized assistance as needed on an individual basis.
Important points to remember when you testify in court:
In a trial, the Prosecuting Attorney presents the case for the State, attempting to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant committed the crime as charged. The testimony of witnesses is vital to the prosecution of a case. As a witness, you play an important part in the trial. The truth of your testimony, the manner in which you give it, and the appearance you make on the witness stand are all factors which may be weighed by the judge or jury in deciding the case.
- Dress neatly and conduct yourself in a courteous manner.
- Be attentive- make sure you understand the questions that you are asked.
- Think before you speak.
- Speak clearly and answer all questions directly.
- Be fair – don’t exaggerate.
- Never lose your temper.
- Be prepared to wait. There will be times when proceedings take longer than expected. You may wish to bring a book to read to help pass the time.
- ALWAYS tell the truth! If you don’t know the answer to a question, say so.
Important telephone numbers that you may need:
Emergency – 911
Crime Victim Advocate – (419)562-9782
Attorney General Victim Line – 1-800-582-2877
Prosecuting Attorney – (419)562-9782
Sheriff – (419)562-7906
Bucyrus Police – (419)562-1006
Crestline Police – (419)683-2222
Galion Police – (419)468-9111
Ohio State Highway Patrol – (419)562-8040
Turning Point – 1-800-232-6505
HelpLine – 1-800-684-2324
Children’s Services – (419)563-1570
Council on Aging – (419)562-3050
Ohio DRC Victim Line – 1-888-842-8464
VINE – 1-800-770-0192
(Victim Information & Notification Everyday)